Sherk Update Feb13th, 2023

Not a day goes by without the shedding of tears, but not a day goes by without us receiving a reminder of God’s grace and love. We are saddened by the relentless speed and aggression of this cancer. I am literally seeing the life and vitality of my best friend and life partner being attacked every day and every hour. Sharon is losing energy and strength, and simple tasks like getting out of bed or taking a few steps or going up a few stairs are daunting. We are all exhausted by this disease that takes no breaks. Our circumstances are beyond our control. The reality is life was never in our control. We sense we are being invited to “let go” and surrender control while simultaneously putting our trust primarily in God for the care of loved ones, and for the future. In essence we are invited to ‘choose life and blessing.

’Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! Deuteronomy 30:19 NLT

While in this darkness we’ve experienced life and blessing. Sharon is thankful for life’s simple pleasures. God’s blessings and mercy are new every morning. Sharon is thankful for so much each day. The list is always growing and some of the list may seem trivial, but they put a smile on her face. She’s thankful for her lazy boy recliner (Thank you Co-operators family), for her morning coffee, her daily hard-boiled egg and Rice Krispies! She loves seeing the birds at our feeder outside our front window. Sharon appreciates the peaceful quiet of the early morning hours. Each morning Sharon and I have a time of quiet and reflection as we read the bible and pray. Some deep soul healing is happening in us, and we are thankful to God. 

Thank you, our family, and friends, for being so generous and gracious with us. We know we are not alone, and we thank you, for walking this journey with us and for all your many expressions of love.


Dean and Sharon


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